Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Litte Bitter Piece that I'm hoping to sugar coat with time...

The Devils'Advocate

Who are you? What are you?, besides the slayer of innocence, the betrayer of bare heartsThe one that cried wolf when it was you hiding in those shadows ready to pounce …The way you've practiced the skill of stupidity and mastered the way of betrayal , is far beyond redemption for you'll never be reborn into innocence , your leaf shall never turn , you'll stay damned into eternal winter , for you are the cause of cold hearts , where no cure 'EX'sist's, but the assassination of your 'EX'istence.Keep playing that tune 'Pied Piper' …..see how those kids won't follow………….you've lost your talent and your touch leaves scars, the only thing seduced by your tune is the dark cloud above you………so play on 'Pied Piper' play, play on you Devils Advocate.